Centre for International Cooperation and Global TB Information
The Department of International Cooperation was first established in 1998. In 2013, the Department was integrated with the International Tuberculosis Information Centre to establish the Centre for International Cooperation and Global Tuberculosis Information that aimed to facilitate comprehensive international cooperation activities. This Centre consists of two divisions (Human Resource Development and Project Development and Management). We support international cooperation activities mainly for tuberculosis (TB) control in developing countries, in cooperation with other departments of the Institute and with the Department of International Programmes of Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association (JATA) headquarters. Our main activities include technical assistance, human resource development, and research for TB control in developing countries. We also engage in the functioning of the Global Tuberculosis Information Centre and collaborate with other international organizations.
Technical assistance and research for improving TB control, understanding epidemiology of TB, and measuring impacts of TB control.
The Centre provides technical assistance for improving TB control in developing countries by dispatching TB control experts and providing technical advice. Technical assistance covers a wide range of areas including planning TB control programs and evaluating their impacts. On the country level, we have been providing technical assistance for different types of projects, such as JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), JATA, and USAID supporting projects. Among our various areas of technical assistance and research activities, we currently give priority to technical assistance and research of measuring TB problems and impacts of TB control programs to contribute to establishing evidence-based TB control programs as well as assessing TB control achievements. As the Global TB Information Centre, we collect and analyze information on TB epidemiology and control programs mainly in Asian countries and publish a newsletter regularly. Please also see News Letter from Kiyose (access from Contents).
Human Resource Development

Alumni of International Training Courses in the world
Collaboration with international organizations
In response to global TB problems, RIT participates in global networks for technical assistance with other international organizations such as WHO, IUALTD, TBTEAM, and TBCTA. We have participated in the development of several international guidelines, in providing technical assistance to other countries, and in various research activities with other partners. RIT was designated a WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference, Research, and Training on Tuberculosis in 1982.
News Letter from Kiyose
The RIT/JATA Philippines Inc. in Manila
The RIT/JATA Philippines Inc. was dissolved in March 2019 because it finished its roles in TB control in the Philippines. Please see the below;
The RIT/JATA Philippines Inc. in Manila—- eleven-year contribution in controlling Tuberculosis in the urban setting