Research projects by themes

Research projects by themes

TB in high-risk populations

Elderly persons

  1. Mode of detection among the newly notified TB patients, aged 60 and above, 2016
  2. TB notification rate among those aged 60 and above, by prefectures, 2016

coming soon

Ongoing projects
  1. A collaborative project with the JAGES to explore the impact of “social capital” on TB among the elderly population in Japan
  2. A systematic review and meta-analysis on the clinical profile of elderly TB patients
    (protocol registered with PROSPERO

Foreign-born persons

  1. Drug resistant TB among foreign-born patients in Japan, 2007-2015
  2. Notification rate among the foreign-born persons, by prefectures, 2016
  1. Kawatsu L, Uchimura K, Ohkado A, Kato S.  Tuberculosis and non-recent and recent migrants in Japan – some issues for post-entry interventions. Western Pacific Journal of Surveillance and Response Journal. 2017;8(4). doi:10.5365/wpsar.2017.8.3.003
  2. Kawatsu L, Uchimura K, Izumi K, Ohkado A, Kato S.  Using surveillance data to simulate the impact of a hypothetical pre-entry TB screening program in Japan. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, Accepted
  3. Kawatsu L, Uchimura K, Izumi K, Ohkado A, Ishikawa N. Profile of tuberculosis among the foreign-born population in Japan, 2007–2014. Western Pacific Journal of Surveillance and Response Journal. 2016, 7(2):7–16. doi:10.5365/wpsar.2016.7.1.008
Ongoing projects
  1. A cost-effectiveness analysis of screening by CXR among foreign-born students entering Japanese language schools
  2. A project to explore the possibility of establishing a cross-border referral system for foreign-born TB patients
  3. A project on investigate the situation of TB among foreign-born healthcare workers in Japan

Socio-economically deprived persons

  1. TB among the socio-economically deprived persons (1)
  2. TB among the socio-economically deprived persons (2)
  1. Kawatsu L, Uchimura K, Watanabe H, et al. Effect of educational leaflets on knowledge and attitude to tuberculosis among homeless persons in Tokyo, Japan. Kekkaku.2015:90(8):613-618. in Japanese, abstract available in English
  2. Kawatsu L, Ishikawa N. Socio-Economic Factors that Influence Tuberculosis Death among the Youth and Middle-Aged Population: A Systematic Review.Kekkaku. 2014:89(5):547-554. in Japanese, abstract available in English
Ongoing projects

Coming soon

Incarcerated persons

  1. TB notification among the incarcerated persons in Japan, 2000-2016
  2. A guideline on collaborating with correctional facilities in TB control (for Public Health Centers) – in Japanese
  1. Kawatsu L, Uchimura K, Kobayashi M, Ishikawa N. The profile of inmates with tuberculosis in Japan. International Journal of Prison Health, accepted
  2. Kawatsu L, Uchimura K, Kobayashi M, Ishikawa N. Overview of the tuberculosis burden in prison institutions in Japan, 2000–2012. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2015; 19(8):921-6
  3. Kawatsu L, Uchimura K, Izumi K, Ohkado A. A systematic review on the prevalence and incidence of latent tuberculosis infection among prison population. Kekkaku、2016;91:457-464. in Japanese, abstract available in English
Ongoing projects
  1. A cost-effectiveness analysis of LTBI screening among incarcerated persons in Japan
  2. A project on building a knowledge-sharing network on TB control in correctional facilities in Asia


  1. Smoking Cessation and Smoke-free Environments for Tuberculosis Patients

Coming soon

Ongoing projects
  1. A project to investigate the impact of a combined TB-smoking cessation program on improving TB patient care and smoking rate among the patients

Healthcare workers

  1. TB among healthcare workers in Japan, 2007-2016
  1. Yamauchi Y, Nagata Y, Kobayashi N, et al. Risk of tuberculosis infection and disease among Japanese female nurses and male doctors in recent years. Kekkaku.92(1):5-10, 2017 in Japanese, abstract available in English
Ongoing projects

Ongoing projects

Multidrug resistant TB

  1. Drug susceptibility rest results and drug-resistance among pulmonary TB patients, 2007-2016

Coming soon

Ongoing projects
  1. A project to determine the treatment status/outcome of MDR-TB patients

Latent tuberculosis infection

  1. A questionnaire survey on the state of notification/registration of LTBI
  1. Kawatsu L, Uchimura K, Ohkado A. Trend and treatment status of latent tuberculosis infection patients in Japan – Analysis of Japan TB Surveillance data. PLoS ONE 12(11): e0186588.
  2. Ito K. Treatment of latent tuberculosis infection with a combination of isoniazid and rifampicin Kekkaku. 2016:91(10):641-65.5 in Japanese, abstract available in English
  3. Ito K. Frequency and risk factors of severe live dysfunction in isoniazid mono-therapy for latent tuberculosis infection Kekkaku. 2016:91(9):607-616. in Japanese, abstract available in English
  4. Ito K.Liver toxicity due to rifampicin monotherapy in latent tuberculosis infection Kekkaku. 2016:91(5):509-513 in Japanese, abstract available in English
  5. Ohkado A, Yoshimatsu S, Uchimura K, et al. Factors associated with changes in the number of latent tuberculosis infection notifications in Japan: national wide survey findings. Kekkaku. 2015;90:657-663. in Japanese, abstract available in English
Ongoing projects
  1. A project to determine the treatment status/outcome of LTBI patients

Non-tuberculosis mycobacteria


Coming soon


Coming soon

Ongoing projects
  1. A project to investigate the epidemiology and treatment status of NTM using national database

Geographic information system and social network analysis

  1. Utilization of social network analysis in TB control activities
  1. Izumi K, Kawatsu L, Miyake S, et al. The potential role of social network analysis in tuberculosis contact investigation. Kekkaku. 2017;92:27-34 in Japanese, abstract available in English
  2. Izumi K, Kawatsu L, Ohkado A, Uchimura K, Kato S, Evaluating the impact of health resource reconstruction on improving spatial accessibility of tuberculosis care, Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2016 Nov;20(11):1501-1508
  3. Izumi K, Ohkado A, Uchimura K, Murase Y et al. Detection of Tuberculosis Infection Hotspots Using Activity Spaces Based Spatial Approach in an Urban Tokyo, from 2003 to 2011. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138831.
  4. Kawatsu L, Izumi K, Uchimura K, Urakawa M, et al. Can social network analysis assist in the prioritisation of contacts in a tuberculosis contact investigation? The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2015;19:1293-9.
Ongoing projects
  1. A project to explore the role of social network analysis and geographic information system in TB control

TB and Universal Health Coverage


Coming soon


Coming soon

Ongoing projects
  1. A project on TB and Universal Health Coverage

Continuity of care for migrating persons across borders


Coming soon


Coming soon

Ongoing projects

Coming soon

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